So Many Choices
by Randy Wollenmann
Buy the Original Painting
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14.000 x 11.000 inches
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So Many Choices
Randy Wollenmann
Painting - Oil On Hardboard
So Many Choices was first presented at the Tohono Chul Park, here in Tucson, for their Spring Pollinators Exhibition. It shows a wild and playful interpretation of spring in the Sonoran desert. The focus of the show was to draw attention to the many pollinators of the desert during the brief time that wildflowers are in bloom.
During many of my hikes in the canyons I frequently snap shots for reference. For this piece I chose the Desert Fairy Duster, Owl�s Clover, Arizona Lupine, Chicory, Apricot Globemallow, Chai, Trailing 4 o�clocks, and Parry�s Penstemons, to name a few. Also thrown into this mix are bees, butterflies and bugs, all doing their part to help do the important business of pollination.
I was also taken with the fact that bees work in the dark, particularly during the hot, dry mornings and evenings before the monsoon season starts. I know it's kind of harsh but I segmented this piece to reflect this relatively unrealized bit of nature. The piece also reflects the crazy winds that make it almost impossible to take a good photograph. It's a miracle bees can do their thing at all. Comical really, when you stop and look closely at what's going on.
You can view some of my other paintings and designs at or visit my website at
January 31st, 2013